Saturday 22 May 2021

Brom gives a little taster...


It's me! We're back! Enough with the !!! now. I won't tell you anything right now, because it is still all jumbled up in my head, but Mara said I might give you a few ideas of what we saw and what we did.

Well, we walked a LOT. Through the city of Rotterdam and along the sea. We listened to music and watched television. We had a beef burger and a seaweed burger. We listened to traffic and sea gulls. We saw birds and shells. We stayed safe and we enjoyed ourselves.

From Monday I will tell you all about it!


  1. I tried to find that campfire song for you but couldn't.

  2. Hari Om
    Cooee Brom-bear... so good to hear from you again - and that you finally got out and about!!! That's a great teaser photo and I look forward to your repawts... hugs and growlies, YAM-aunty xxx (who has still to catch up with semi part two...)

    1. Well, finals tonight! You had better hurry...

  3. Excellent news Brom. You and Mara take the best treks.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. We can't wait to hear all about your trip.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!