Whenever there's two drivers doing the same thing because the group is too big to fit in one coach, there's one who will lead and one who will follow. Both yesterday and today it was my colleague who was up front, which in one way is great, because I don't have to decide what route I want to take. On the other hand, with all the traffic lights, speed humps, roundabouts and other traffic, it can be quite tricky to keep the other coach in sight. Especially since the colleague I'm talking about is one for the shortest route. Which hardly ever involves motorways...
Today was another one of those days. This morning we left together, but after only a few miles, I had to struggle to keep him in my sight. And then he took the route: littered with villages (30 or 50km speedlimits), speed humps and roundabouts. Awful!
When we had the group on board, he wanted to take the smaller roads again, because there's a bottleneck which always causes traffic jams during rush hour. I so didn't want to do that, but in the end I was lucky: he took the motorway and the traffic jam was not too bad.
This afternoon we have to do the return trip and once we've dropped the group off, I will take MY preferred route home: one village, no speed humps and about fifteen roundabouts. About 20 kilometers longer, but it takes the same time to drive it.
Shorter doesn't always mean quicker!