Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Sophie (again)

Well, I had the phonecall from the vet's clinic. They had the results back and I was allowed to have a small hurray. Not a hallelujah, but a hurray.

Even though the vet would have liked about 2-3 centimeters of clean tissue to be taken as well as the tumor, in the end they were only able to take 2-3 millimeters. So, not the best starting point really. But the operating vet thought it all looked clean, so that was a start. The results today showed that of all the 'clean' tissue they checked, not one was infected. That doesn't mean it hasn't spread, but the likelihood of that is several times smaller now.

Now, the cancer she has/had is treated best with an aspirin-based drug. Which she will have to have for the rest of her life. And with my job that is not the easiest thing. After all, my job consists of week-long trips abroad and while I'm away, my neighbour looks after my monsters: feeding them and putting out fresh water. However, she only ever sees three cats, because Sophie is a nervous kitty and doesn't like strangers. But the vet wasn't too worried about that: 'better give it to her whenever I can. It's always better than none at all.'

So, not quite halleluja, but hurray is okay!


  1. What a relief this must be! Maybe it's not the Best News, but it's still great news!

  2. Great news! So happy for you. Okay, would have been nicer to be absolutely 100% sure that she's all in the clear now, but this is definitely worth a HURRAY!
    Nu alleen nog het medicijnprobleem. Waarom maken ze die troep niet gewoon onweerstaanbaar lekker? Dat ze het vanzelf eten, zonder dat je het achterin hun keel moet proppen.

    Doeg en een knuffeltje voor Sophie ;-)

  3. Good to hear. Give her a big hug from me.

  4. Well, that's excellent news! I'm happy for you and Sophie!

    Just as a small encouragement, my first dog had a basal cell carcinoma on one toe when he was around 2 or 3 years old. I begged the vet to spare the toe if he could (though not, obviously as the expense of safety) and he did.

    That dog lived to thirteen and a half, and the cancer never did come back. :)

  5. This is good news! I do hope Sophie will be okay.

    Enjoyed your I post on Wednesday about the island that isn't an island...fascinating!

    And in response to your question, my daughter just said she saw the igloo doghouse and thought it would come in handy. Still doesn't explain much:)


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!