Thursday 21 March 2019

The M

So, this M. This thing that has been bothering me for as long as I can remember. What's the deal with it? Where does it come from, how do I get it and more importantly: how do I get rid of it?

Let's start first of all with the 'regular' culprits: cheese, chocolate and red wine. Well, I tried not eating them. For years I barely ate cheese and chocolate. I never like red wine anyway, so that one was easy. Did the migraines become less or less severe? Nope! Back to cheese and chocolate it was.

Then this week I got a letter in the post. From friends who had read an article in a certain paper concerning migraines. Very interesting. And very disheartening as well, because even this Neurology Professor from the University Medical Center in Leiden didn't know what caused it. 

He has ideas, but nothing is set in stone. There are some clues, but they are vague mostly. There are no clear answers. He knows it's a brain condition which comes in attacks. The headaches in a migraine probably come from a sterile (ie no virus or bacteria involved) infection of the meninges. Probably!

It is partially hereditary. There are 44 genetical factors known right now, but there might be more than a hundred! The combination of factors is responsible for the chance and seriousness of the disease. But exactly what exactly causes it? No idea. 

Estrogen and especially the fluctuations in the level of estrogen are participants, after all 75% of patients are female and the male patients often have a higher level of estrogen than would be normal in men. It's not definitive proof though, it is just something that they have noticed really. 

Stress, the weather and other things might trigger an attack, but don't always. When I moved to Northern Ireland I was basically free from during the whole move. During this last move (which went a lot smoother and easier) I had several. When I was recovering from my operation and doing nothing in 2015, I didn't get an attack for over 6 weeks! I am now not doing much either and have had two attacks in the same time frame.

Even the medication to prevent is a bit of a question mark really. The medication I have now (Beta blocker) was originally for patients with high blood pressure. But those suffering from migraines noticed their migraines became less or disappeared altogether. Other medication like triptanes are based on the blood vessel narrowing properties. Which apparently has no effect, yet two other properties did! 

I am in the starting stages of my preventative medication. The lowest option. A week in and today was the first day of full dosage. I started off with half a dose to get used to the medication and especially the side effects of lower heart rate and blood pressure which can cause dizziness when standing up. For now I don't know whether or not this will work. Too soon to tell, but I am hopeful.

I am also hopeful that one day they will find out exactly what causes migraines and how to deal with it swiftly and safely. 


  1. Do you feel privileged to have a condition that has so far defeated science?

    All the best with the new meds.

  2. Hari OM
    It's a stinker, ain't it? I do hope the b/bs are of use to you. YAM xx

    1. I really hope so too. I am so fed up with them migraines!

  3. Migraines are terrible. My ghostwriter used to get them too. She goes to the chiropractor to get her neck cracked, and finds this helps prevent them. But that's just her. Try an ice pack to the back of your neck.

    1. When I lived in Norway I got my neck cracked, but it didn't really seem to work that well. The headaches never went anyway.

  4. Well, shucks. But do hope the new regime will work for the best for you.

    1. I am with you on that. The only person now med-free is my mum, who is boasting about it on occasion!

  5. Migraines is something I've hardly had. I known people who suffer from them. I sure hope it all works out for you.
    Coffee is on

    1. Migraines ruin lives basically. I have a mild form, but someone with a severe form can hardly do anything before another attack!

  6. Sorry dat je niet veel wijzer bent geworden. Hopelijk helpen de nieuwe medicijnen.

    1. Toch wel en het was ook interessant om te lezen. Nu weet ik in ieder geval dat het een gevalletje 'hersenziekte' is, alhoewel mama daar haar twijfels bij heeft (wat als je nou geen hersens hebt...).

  7. Mara what a time you have had with the horrible M! You have such a funny sense of human about it though. Might as well smile right? Loved all the make overs you did
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Good luck with your new medication. I used to get those M's but since I became a "mature" woman I don't get them any more. Your pictures gave me some chuckles as I was scrolling down the page.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!