Tuesday 15 January 2019

Making a start

The bombsite that is my guest room
Seeing as I will only be working one day this week and I have plenty of things to do (finding Miss O's passport for one), I thought I might as well start today. Which meant emptying some boxes and filling some others. Basically I find stuff to pack, put it in a box or crate and close it. Regardless of what is in it. 

So far there have been plenty of boxes and crates filled. With completely miscellaneous contents. Yes, the books are all in small crates and filled to the top with yarn, but other crates will be filled with whatever is to hand and needs packing. From linen to mugs and lamps to mice parts. 

During my last two international moves I kept a record of what went in each box and crate. This time around I will just fill. No packing lists and therefore no record of what is where. Which means that when it comes to the unpacking, I might be in for a surprise or two. And then I had a brilliant idea (yes, it happens on occasion).

An Unpacking Party. You have heard of a painting party where you invite friends and family to help you paint your new pad. Well, I thought an unpacking party on the same principle would be brilliant as well. Invite friends and family over to open boxes and crates, exclaim over its contents and then find room for it in my new place. 

Once I have the new place of course. Which I haven't yet.


  1. Oh good luck with packing. We've only moved 3 times in 49 years.
    LOL Love the elephant
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Hari OM
    I think that sounds... chaotic! When my family decided to come and help me unpack in the Hutch, it nearly drove me demented. I needed time to ponder each thing and they all wanted to get it done in a day. But that's just me. You are a different kettle and finding your fish this way could be just the thing!!! YAM xx

    1. As long as it gets put in the general direction of the right room, I can always sort it out properly afterwards. And the yarn is easy anyway: put it in the many empty crates I should have after having emptied them first...

    2. ...then the plan is planned! &*>

  3. It sounds like fun but don't think I could trust friends to be sensible enough after a drink or two!

    1. Ah, that would be an evening party. I was thinking more of a day party with tea and such...

  4. Good luck! I used to pack the same way you are packing now...the only bad thing is finding something specific you might need :-)

  5. Good luck! A party sounds fun.

  6. Brilliant! My sis came in to help with our last move. We had a graffiti party once before we painted. Let folks write all over the walls and ceilings.

    1. Ooh, that sounds like fun! I will keep that in mind.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!