Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Let it snow!

That's what I asked Saint Nick for. Snow. A white Christmas. It didn't have to be a lot. A centimeter would have done, just so everything would look pretty. Instead...

Saint Nick went with another line in the song. A not so nice line. A line that says: don't go outside, stay indoors, fasten your seat belts, in fact, fasten everything that is loose in the garden as well. Which one you want to know?

The weather outside is frightful. I mean, as a Christmas present it's not the best now is it. And we didn't even have a fire to be delightful. Well, apart from on the television, but that is just boring!

Ah well, we didn't have to be anywhere and even though there was a full-blown storm (called 'Urd') raging around the house, the television did not conk out at any time, the walls did NOT move and I didn't have to put the heating up to stay warm. 

Next time though: let it snow!!!


  1. We had freezing rain last night, which prevented me from going back to Shauna's house to retrieve something that I had forgotten.

  2. We had no snow either (which I didn't miss at all) we rather had warm weather it was 12 °C ! I remember a Christmas long ago where we had 18° !!

  3. Hari OM
    Barbara got translated, it seems! Well wait up - we had 'Connor' turn up yesterday with yet more washing-machine behaviour, so who knows what it'll be when it reaches your side. Meanwhile, as I type... no wind and the sun just broke through! YAM xx

    1. Or we just continued with the alphabet and were on u?

      Anyway, we should be okay now for at least a few days.

  4. Wow, be careful what you wish for! It looks beautiful and since you didn't have to go anywhere that worked out well for you. Maybe not for other's in town!!

  5. It was quite warm around here this weekend. Almost all of our snow melted and now we have mud. We haven't had any major storms … yet. Hope things are OK where you are now.

    1. Mud? Mud can be fun too. Although your Mum and Dad might not think so...

  6. We live in the same city as Chester (previous comment above) and by this morning most of our snow is gone too. The weather peeps are promising some more for later in the week. We prefer that since like Chester said our yard is very muddy and we can't go out to play much.

  7. Be careful what you wish for!

  8. Mo snow here - just very mild with lots of small insects flying around.

    1. Oh, I would prefer wind and rain in that case...

  9. I do hate ice storms. So awfully dangerous...

    1. Fortunately it was not an ice-storm. The temperatures were way too high. It was nasty though.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!