There was good news and there was bad news today. The good news is: they do want me! And if I want, I could start within a few short months. The bad news is: I would have to learn Norwegian, since it would be a job in Norway!
There was more good news today: I would be able to become a permanent resident in Canada. As long as I would be a chambermaid or a waitress. The bad news? Not if I were a busdriver!
An explanation is in order here I guess. I want to move to Canada, but because of my lack of education (I only finished High School), I will not be eligible under the points system that Canada uses. The next option would be a sponsorship by one of the Canadian provinces, a so-called PNP, but only if the job I have is a job they have too many of and not enough people for. And only if I would have a guaranteed job offer. Which right now I don't have.
If I were to find a job in Canada, get the guarantee and make it across the water, it would only be temporary. A maximum of four years, after which I would have to leave for six years! At least that's what I was told today. However, if I were a waitress, I could apply for a permanent residency (PR) and once I had that, I could become a busdriver and stay for the rest of my life!
(Personally, I think that a busdriver carries just a tad more responsibility than a waitress. But that's probably only me.)
So, the question now is: would it be worth it moving to Canada for only four years. Or should I go over there, find myself some waitressing job, try for my PR and then switch to being a busdriver again. The second option wouldn't be my favourite at all, but the first one doesn't sound too appealing either. Both options would cost an awful lot of money and it would most certainly mean that my cats would stay behind.
Of course, now you are thinking: where does this Norway thing come in? Well, Norway has always been my second choice. It also boasts more space and quiet than the Netherlands, it also has well-defined seasons and even though they have adopted quite a few 'European' laws, they are not part of the EU. Getting a job there should be easy, the language isn't too hard to learn and biathlon is one of their favourite sports. Cost of living is high, but so are the wages. It's still in Europe and I could drive over there (if I had a car that is). Oh, and I could take my cats.
At this moment my head is still spinning a bit from the news I heard this morning. Next week I will phone the agent I have spoken to before and try and get a meeting with him. Perhaps he can shed some more positive light on the whole thing. Otherwise I might have to find good homes for my cats and just become a waitress again! Or not...