Tuesday 2 June 2020


After several days of migraines and headaches (they are different, but both terrible), I finally am able to say that I am feeling lots better today. The last pill I took really did the trick. Although yesterday it wasn't completely gone yet, it didn't come back again which is good.

Something else good is that today is Haircut Day! The last time I went was sometime in February I think, so a long time ago. Right now my hair is long and unruly and not how I like it and my mum's is the same. Long, unruly and not how she likes it. But this afternoon it will get the chop! Whahey!

Plus I was able to write something in my diary for this week. I get to collect some new clothes for the new job. Still not sure when that is going to start though, I hope the end of this month. I really hope the end of this month, because no other company is going to hire me for only a few weeks. Very annoying, but that's how it is.

Other than that, the garden is good for some photos. There are bugs and beetles, moths and ladybirds. Oh, and a cat pretending she is a goose!


  1. Sue gave me a haircut yesterday. She does it quite well.

  2. Hari OM
    Love the new banner shot - well done Miss O!!! Glad the Hs are releasing you, Mara, and that the job does indeed get going soon! Lovely garden shots. YAM xx

    1. You don't always have to go far to find wildlife!

  3. Our mom gets her first hair cut in a long time next week. We sure hope you can get working again soon but in a safe way too.

  4. I'm happy to hear you feel better. Love the ladybug! Hooray on the hair. Mine is about 4 inches grown out but I'm not ready to be that close to anyone at this time. I may cut some bangs and wear a headband!!!

  5. I was idly considering growing my hair again before the lockdown. Now, I've had to grow it, whether or not I wanted to, but I think I might persist.
    Good to hear about your job - hope it starts sooner rather than later. My middle daughter is out of work with little prospect of another job at present.

  6. Hope you did a before and after on the hair. The hair dresser I use sent texts giving the new rules for visits. She offered a couple of times available today and Sunday. I chose to wait till the 12th. Miss O blends so well with the grey geese. Love it as the banner.

    1. Well, I always take a selfie on the first of the month, so I have the before. The after looks just like the last time I saw the hairdresser: good and short.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!