Saturday, 30 March 2013

Pale Green Ghosts

I don't often buy music. In fact, compared to the amount of dvd's I buy, it's absolutely laughable! I didn't even have enough cd's to give them their own box when I moved! And of the cd's that I own, most of them are Christmas cd's as well! However, if there is someone I like I will buy their music. 

The first time I heard John Grant was about three years ago. I was listening to Dutch Radio 2 and Hans Schiffers (fantastic dj with a wonderful voice) played a song by John Grant. It was called Marz and I was hooked. I couldn't find the cd in the Netherlands so I asked my sister to get it for me. Which she did and gifted to me! Fantastic. I must have listened to that cd so often.

Only a few weeks ago his second solo album came out. A different sound on most numbers, but still that great voice and good songs. It may not be to everybody's taste, but I love it. My favourite? Glacier (the link will take you to a live recording of that song). Because it is so true.

I hope I get the chance to see him live some day. He is brilliant!


  1. He has a lovely voice. I don't buy many music CD's either and most of the ones I do own are Christmas or the soundtrack to a movie. When it comes to DVD's I buy at least one a month, sometimes more!

  2. Oh, I'm looking forward to clicking your link to listen to him! But first, I need to feed some hungry little girls. ;)

  3. I never heard about this guy ! I don't collect CD's either, I only have Queens and Freddy Mercury and Elton John and a few Elvis, but that's it.
    My favorite is Freddy Mercury. From the new once I also like Robby Williams.

  4. I always enjoy a singer with a nice, deep voice.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!