Tuesday 9 April 2019

The shelter

Today was my second day of volunteering at the shelter. Both times my main 'job' was to clean cat enclosures. They have several, ranging from new incoming, happy with the world, stressed about the world, sick, feral, kittens and paying guests. All need cleaning and most of the cats need and want attention. Most, as some cats that come in are only there for a few short days, neutered and put back in the wild (the feral or semi-feral cats).

Most cats I saw today did want attention. Although they will let you know when the attention is enough or the wrong type like cleaning where they are sitting. Can't be helped and I am not afraid of a scratch or two. 

I also had to clean a feral enclosure and then boards are used to separate the areas within the enclosure. Those cats can be quite angry and hissy and you don't want to get on the wrong side of them. A scratch or two is fine, but having a feral cat sticking all its four claws in your face and biting? Not really.

It is tiring work, especially if you are as unfit as I am, but it is good fun and I do get to meet some people. Some of them volunteer like me, others have a short or long internship where they learn about different aspects of looking after animals. And there are a few people who actually have a job at the shelter and get paid for what they do. 

I am not doing this whenever I feel like it though, I do this every Tuesday and have told my current driving job as well: never available on Tuesday. The only real downside is that I have to get out of bed early. In my regular job I have to leave the house at around 9 or 9.30 in the morning, depending on the shift. This shelter job I have to leave at 7.45! *Yawn*


  1. Wow! That is an early start to the day but I am sure ALL the cats appreciate your help even if they don't know how to voice it! I could never work at a place like that because I would be bringing them all home with me-I cannot see any animal homeless - it just makes me sad! Annster's Domain

    1. I hope you are being sarcastic about the early bit here! It's a bit of a first world problem really.

  2. Excellent idea not to fall into the same overworked trap you had in N.I. Volunteering at the shelter is good for you mind no stress, no schedules just routine stuff for the needy pets.
    Well done my friend
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. We don’t have a shelter in our town but there is one in the region. There is a local lady who does a lot for cats. I may volunteer as a snuggle guy. That’s all the help she needs aside from fundraising.

  4. Good for you getting in there and caring for the kitties. No feral scratches for sure.

  5. Hari OM
    ...what Miss Cecilia said... &*> YAM xx

  6. It's too bad you can't get a later start at the shelter but we know the kitties appreciate your care.

  7. Glad you are enjoying it and yes that's early in the morning to get up and out of the house!


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!