Saturday, 19 May 2012


Wuppie when he was small and cuddly
(he is now big and cuddly)
In January I had taken the monsters on a trip to see the vet. They had to be vaccinated against rabies ànd tested before being allowed into Norway. Since they could only be tested at least four months after the rabies shots, I had to wait until this week for the blood to be drawn. I had written it down and on Wednesday I made the appointment with the vet.

Today I stuck my two lovelies in the pet carrier, balanced it on the back of my bike and cycled off into the sunset to the vet. The vet who had given them the rabies shots in the first place was there and immediately said that she was sorry! Apparently they had tried to phone me on Wednesday to say I needn't come in, since Norway had lifted the bloodtest from their requirements for pets. Unfortunately by the time they had phoned, I had been at work and this morning I had been out in the garden.

Never mind though, since I was there, I could still get Wuppie's ear seen to. As you no doubt remember his ear had a hematoma in it and I was told it was to go away on its own accord, leaving a cauliflower ear. Well, the hematoma is gone, but his ear is now very hard and still quite thick. No blood in it anymore fortunately, but it still isn't good. So, instead of drawing blood from both cats, I took both of them home and several boxes of medication. Something against fleas and ticks, another one against worms and then the three boxes for Wuppie alone!

But the best news is of course: both cats are coming to Norway with me!! Yippie!!


  1. Now that is great news... Hooray!!!

  2. I think I would have liked to have seen a picture of you pedaling the cats on your bike.

  3. I think I would have liked to have seen a picture of you pedaling the cats on your bike.

  4. Yay! I'm glad your cats can go with you! :D Wuppie sure was a cute little kitten.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!