Tuesday 29 March 2022

Tuesday's Travels 22-13

A toughie again last week it seemed. Nobody got it completely right though, although two were very close. It is a statue of Pope John Paul II in Krakow, Poland. Some of you mentioned one, some the other, Yamini mentioned he was the last pope (which was in fact Benedictus XVI, JP II was the one before him) and she switched from Krakow to Warsaw (which is the capital of Poland). So, here is my verdict: Gera and Yamini both get 3/4 point. Hilary and Gerrit get 1/2 point and Janice gets 1/4 point. 
My story? Well, on my trip with Gera through central Europe, we visited Krakow. Karol Józef Wojtyła was born close to Krakow and is still quite a prominent feature in that city. They are very proud of him and they had a sort of park/square where several of Krakow's great and good were honoured. He was one of them. 

On to this week's challenge then. Where is this? Have you ever been? Tell us your story. Answer next week.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh yes, no hesitation from me on this one- THE SACRE COEUR! A most excellent building which we visited as a family on that frightening Paris visit half a century ago... YAM xx

  2. We have no idea where this new place is but can't wait to hear your story about it.

  3. No wonder last week's looked familiar! I should have got that one. I have been to Krakow. I went with a couple of friends and we had a great time. This week's photo is Sacre Coeur in Paris in the Montmartre district. This time next week that is where I will be as I am taking my 7 yr old granddaughter to Paris for a few days. Wish me luck!

  4. Deze is weer een stuk gemakkelijker. De "Basilique du Sacré-Coeur" in Parijs.
    Voor het eerst bezocht tijdens onze huwelijksreis in 1987. Daarna nog een keer in 1994 en 2010.

  5. I did copy this to get it right..The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, commonly known as Sacré-Cœur Basilica and often simply Sacré-Cœur. Yes, I have been there when I was in Paris. It was a very nice experience and then you have a beautiful view from there too!

  6. Dit is de Sacré-Coeur in Parijs. In 1997 zijn we één keer naar Parijs geweest en hebben we deze kerk bezocht.

  7. At first I thought is was an unfinished building in eastern Europe. Nope. Then St. Joseph's in Montreal, Canada, nope again. I'll just have to wait to know the where and when of your visit. klem

  8. Thank you for for my half point, I don't really deserve it as I only guessed. This weeks is the Sacre Coeur Basilica in Paris I think. I have not been inside it, only drove past it on a coach tour. Hope you are well


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!