It's me!! It's been a long time since I wrote, but Mara 'forgot' to take me to all the fun things. But on Monday she didn't forget to bring me and I was very happy she didn't. A lot of new things for both of us.
Let's start at the beginning though. You remember that Mara wrote that post on Sunday about how she went to the emergency doctor and such? Well, the next morning after a very very bad night (she said it felt like somebody had put a knife in her abdomen and kept twisting it. All night long! Ouch!!!), she had to have her blood checked. So, she made an appointment with her gp and she got to see him that afternoon, also to get the result of her blood test.
This was our bed |
Only a couple of minutes in, he picked up the phone to contact the emergency room! Could she come? Well, it was busy, so she might have to wait a while, but she could come. Oma was very clever and told Mara to get a few toiletries and stuff and we were taken by Opa to the hospital. Opa couldn't stay, but Oma could, so the three of us waited. I didn't think we waited that long, but other people had been and then there was an accident as well. Some got a bit grumpy, but Mara was okay-ish by then.
Yep, breakfast |
Once she got seen however, it became clear that she was not going home that night, because the blood work she had done that morning was very much not good. In the end we got shown to a lovely room with only one other lady in it who had the same trouble as Mara. We all went to bed early, and in the night two more ladies arrived, but that didn't bother us that much.
Now, you know me, I can go without food for a while, but Mara does like to have some breakfast, lunch and dinner in a day. But she wasn't getting any. There could be a procedure for which she had to be sober, so no food or drink all day! And the other ladies suffered the same: nothing to eat or drink.
This intravenous contrapthingy took four people to finally have one in! She has a few bruises left from where it wouldn't go in. |
In the afternoon it became clear that Mara was not going to be seen to that day, so she finally could eat and drink again. But she didn't eat that much, she didn't feel that good. That evening she was moved to another room and there were no ladies there, just two gentlemen. They were nice though.
Before the procedure |
The next day, she could have a small breakfast and after that: nothing. But this time she was seen to and in the afternoon she was wheeled in to the room where they would do the procedure to remove any stones present (via a tube down her throat). I was there the whole time as well, keeping my eye on the doctors and making sure they were being nice to Mara (they were).
In the evening she was allowed to eat, albeit only fluid stuff (custard), but this morning she was allowed to have proper food again. And this afternoon we all came home again. All healthy and pain free.
Next week, there is another outing for me: we go back to hospital again. This time another branch of the Isala hospital in another town. She will have to have surgery to remove the gall bladder. That is a bit scarier, but I will be there as well and I will keep you posted! For now, we're fine.