Now, I was planning on writing every day in November. Or at least try to do so. And it went belly-up after only a week! What´s to become of me? Anyway, it´s not as if there was so much new happening. Although my not so nice year so far, has become a little less nice still. More about that when it is resolved, let me just say that some people are not as nice as they seem.
My new computer is working a treat. Apart from when I am googling and I get so much rubbish ads that I am quite peeved off at Google for allowing that. Fortunately I have been able to find what I have been looking every time, but to sift through the amount of ads that have nothing to do whatsoever with what I am looking for is annoying to say the least.
My genealogy took a little step back. Not because I am not working on it anymore, I am, but because I had to delete more than ten generations. I had had my doubts as to whether one person was an ancestor, but thought that hey, it happened that men had children while they were very young as well. And then I started the research and found that he was 10. Which meant that his grandfather was no ancestor. Which in turn meant I lost a really nice story from my book. I have however found several others in the mean time. One about a woman who became a maid while well into her seventies and one who wasn´t born where I thought he was.
A little something I made for my sister several years ago. If you turn her upside down, it´s the dirty Cinderella. |
As for the knitting? I promised myself to finish at least the other front half this past week and ... I haven´t. Sorry sis. But, I will get going today, as soon as I can tear myself away from this screen. Oh, and have put the laundry in the machine, taken a shower and done the dishes.
Tonight is our annual Christmas dinner from work. It is set to become another great evening, even if I have to miss Strictly and the Doctor (I will record to watch when I get back). Next week is the second evening and I will go again, as a washing up elf. Now, where were my elf shoes??
Okay, time for shower, dishes and laundry. And then the knitting of course. After all, I only have a few more weeks to finish the whole thing.