Thursday, 1 July 2010

Give away!

Today is a very special day. Today is the day I am 39 years and 1 day old! Or young, considering I am still not even one third of the way to my ultimate goal of reaching 120. Anyhoo, since this is such a special day, I thought I would do a give away, feeling all Sinterklaasy (the one and only original Saint Nick).

Of course you don't just want any old thing. I bet you have enough stuff at home that you don't really need. Well, let me tell you, this give away will not be anything like that. Because I have selected only things that no home should be without. And since the postal services do not look favourably on people sending live cats in the mail, they will not be included! Even though every home should have one!

So, what should you do to be in with a chance to get one of those once-in-a-lifetime, all-you-could-ever-need and simply brilliant boxes? Ah, just leave a comment. Which will contain a reference to my almost coming of age yesterday (it will take another few years yet I'm afraid). And a reason why you should be the recipient of one of those two extraordinary packages. And a joke. A song, or a poem. Or you can just say hi of course! Why not give it a go? You've got until Midnight July 7th, Dutch time!


  1. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mara, happy birthday to you.

  2. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Happy Birthday Wishes
    I'm sending to you!
    ☼ Sunny
    P.S. I would send you Best Wishes even if you didn't have a give away :)

  3. Happy Birthday plus one! I have a great orange hat you can wear...

  4. 39? Just a youngster (sigh). As for the free gift I can't think of one thing I need except perhaps a wild piano from India, or a troop of elephants as small as specks of sand. If you have either of those I'll take it.

  5. Guess what? It's still your birthday in the USA! Happy birthday!

  6. I wish you a very happy (belated) birthday ! all the best and the necessary health to become 120, lol !

  7. Lang zal je leven,lang zal je leven in de gloria!
    Happy belated birthday dear Mara!

  8. Er was er één jarig HOERA HOERA
    Dat kun je wel zien, dat was zij!

    Niet dat kunt zien dat je ouder bent geworden hoor (denk ik).

    Every home needs a newspaper with editors with a sense of humour. I already have one. I'm curious what's in those boxes. It's good there isn't a cat in it, because we all know what curiosity does with them ;-)

  9. Hooray, I love contests. Even if I don't win I am anxious to see what you are giving away! Good luck everyone.


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!