Friday, 14 April 2017

Miss Oswin goes outside


It's been a long time since I last wrote, but nothing much happened during the winter. I slept a bit, I ate a bit and sometimes I went outside a bit. But it's spring now and when it's nice weather I just want to go outside and find mice. 

It took some time, but I have now trained Mara quite well. She will let me go outside and when she (or our landlord) opens the door again, I come in. Well... sometimes, because there are times when you just have to explore a bit more!

Today I was about to come in, when Mara closed the door again! She was going to take some photos she said and then I could come in. Well, of course I had to see what she was going to take photos of and it turned out it was yours truly. Mostly. She also took some of some silly flowers, to be used on Sunday she said.

Can we go in now? I am hungry!
So, here are some photos of me today. Enjoying the sun.


  1. I don't think Miss Arbuckle will be going outside, but we'll see. She has a very low white blood cell count, so we have to be careful with the old lady.

  2. You had a nice sunny day to go out too.

    My kitty cousins Maddie and Tibie are in-house cats. Tibie occasionally goes out on a special leash so he won't run away too far. Sometimes there are coyotes in the woods behind their apartment, and it wouldn't be safe it he ventured out that way.

    1. I did and I barely used it, I am afraid to say.

      I was a bit worried about Miss Oswin when we first moved here, since there is a fair bit of traffic. However, there are a fair amount of green areas as well, so she's okay.

  3. Hari OM
    Oh my words Miss O, you had most wonderfur sunshines and grasses... the freedom of spring is special indeed!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. After her first outing, she went out again later in the day. She is a spoiled kitty!

  4. Hi, Miss Oswin, it is nice to meet you. I am a new comer to this blog and have been enjoying it. As I enjoyed reading about your outside fun today. Mara got some great pictures of you.

    1. Welcome Dona Kelly! I don't often write here, but Mara does (well, usually she does). She is not bad with the camera, although she can be quite annoying as well!

  5. Crikey Miss Oswin ..... you sure had a nice time outside, aye?? Lucky there were no evil dogs like me around. I'd have chased you. Bet you'd have gone inside in a hurry with me after you, aye??

    1. Mr Crikey!!! I thought you were a gentleman! Chasing little old me...

      Miss Oswin

  6. That's nice that you can go out and looking for mice, very important ! Rosie has brought me 2 dead once and one still alive !

  7. Look like a fun time outside, glad that Spring is here and you can go outside!

  8. Miss Oswin your have the fluffiest tail and the purriets furs
    The sun looks very nice on them.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. You look wonderful after a long winter!


Any weighty (and not so weighty) comments are welcome!