Sunday, 12 March 2017

Photo on Sunday 2017-9

As we were relaxing after a few hours of hard labour (we're bus drivers, remember?), I looked out of the window of my apartment and saw a bird I had never seen before. My camera was of course all the way at the other end of the room, but fortunately my friend had her phone ready and was willing to take a few photos for me. 

To me it looked like a very puffed up robin, but apparently it is a bullfinch (goudvink). Both Mr and Mrs were in the tree (well, he was on the fence). I did go for my camera, but as I got back to the window, Mr had just flown. So, the photo I took is not as good. 


  1. Hari OM
    Yes, definitely Bullfinch!!! They are on 'amber' status here in UK, in that they are rarely sighted these days, being pushed off territory by more aggressive birds. Interestingly, whilst at the father's last week, I opened my bedroom curtain and came - quite literally - face to face with a male; there is an apple tree right outside the window and he would have been no more than two feet from me..... and no camera!!! &*< Beautiful - or ought that to be handome? - critter!!! Well spotted Mara - I have not seen a female around, so am glad to know you managed what I have not. Yet *) YAM xx

    1. I had never seen them before. Fortunately my friend knew what they were. She said she usually saw them up to Christmas but no later. Perhaps this is a mating pair.

  2. Very pretty it kinda resembles our Robin.
    Guess what it snowed here this morning. Just a coating on cars and grass but it sure is cold and we hope it is the last sucker punch from old man winter. We are ready for spring
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. Wow, thank you for sharing that! Although I have heard of Bullfinches, I've never seen one, probably because they're not native to the U.S. How exciting that you saw the pair!

    1. I think I had heard of them, but did not have a clue as to what they looked like. Especially since the Dutch word means gold finch, when its colour is very distinctly red!!

  4. We love watching birds and it's always fun to find a new type especially in your own back yard.

  5. Ha! Nou had ik dat beestje dus nog nooit (bewust) in het wild gezien, maar vandaag dus wel. Vlak na het lezen van je blog gingen de man en ik een stukje lopen en daar vloog ineens een goudvink voorbij. Bijzonder! En lekker knallend van kleur! Prachtig!

    1. Ik had er nog nooit een gezien en ineens zit er gewoon een paartje in de tuin! Ik hoop ze vaker te zien, maar of dat gaat lukken met al die poezenbeesten die hier rondsjouwen...

    2. We gaan gewoon heel hard hopen dat de vinkjes de poezen te slim af zijn! :-)

  6. O.K. what the heck were you two talking about in the last three entries.I can`t do question marks because my keyboard has inexplicably switched to French !!

    1. We were just talking about birdies in our native tongue!

  7. Birds are such a challenge to capture.

    1. Especially since they won't sit still long enough for me to grab my camera!!

  8. Cute! We learn something new each day....


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